Our natural lens has the amazing ability to continuously focus on objects of regard regardless of the distance of such objects. As we get older however, especially after the age of 40, the lens starts to lose this ability gradually, and we start to need additional glasses for reading, despite having had perfect vision all our lives. This is called Presbyopia, and invariably happens to all people. This condition gradually gets worse until the age of about 55, when the natural ability of the lens to refocus on near objects (termed Accommodation) is completely lost.
Correction of Presbyopia is possible but will always be a compromise.
Reading glasses
Reading glasses is the simplest and cheapest form of correction. Pairs can be bought online for very low prices, but some people would need 3 pairs for near, intermediate and distance corrections. Segment bifocal and verifocal spectacles are available and suit many people.
Contact lenses
Contact lenses with monovision can be used in some patients, where the dominant eye can be corrected for distance and the non-dominant eye corrected for near.
You can discuss these non-surgical options with your local Optometrist.
PresbyMAX® LASIK is an advanced laser eye surgery procedure designed to correct presbyopia. It utilizes the precision of laser technology to reshape the cornea to offer a multifocal correction, improving the eye's ability to focus clearly on objects at various distances. This means improved near, intermediate, and distance vision without the constant need for reading glasses.
Extended Depth of Focus (EDoF) intraocular lenses
Extended Depth of Focus (EDoF) intraocular lenses can be implanted at the time of cataract surgery. We usually used the blended mini-monovision technique, using the dominant eye for distance correction and the non-dominant eye for near tasks. The advantage of this technique is that these lenses have the excellent distance vision quality of monofocal lenses but provide much improved spectacle-independence.
Multifocal intraocular lenses
Multifocal intraocular lenses are implanted in both eyes simultaneously at the time of cataract surgery. They provide trifocal correction for near, intermediate and distance vision using both eyes simultaneously. These provide the most spectacle independence but do manifest slightly reduced visual quality due to the diffractive features of those lenses.
We offer a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your needs and what options would be most suitable for you.
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